Our Recycle Services

Refine AU Recycle | Refining Redefined

Refine AU purchases and processes scrap materials containing Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt) and Palladium (Pd).

Industries We Serve

As an established precious metal refinery, Refine AU serves jewelers, pawnbrokers, manufacturers, secondhand dealers, prospectors, gold buyers, miners, collectors, dentists and various industries that use gold, silver, platinum or palladium through the course of their business. We recycle precious metals quickly and efficiently so we can process your lot and your payout in our agreed time frame.

Nationwise Precious Metals Refinery

Refine AU, a full-service precious metal refinery. Since 2017, we have worked to provide companies worldwide and of all sizes seamless precious metal refining services and same-day payouts. Our headquarters are located in Shah Alam Technology Park, Malaysia; where we have a superior team of knowledgeable individuals ready to assist and answer your precious metal recylce and refining questions.

Refine AU Gold & Silver Advantage

All of our precious metal recycle and refining services have been handled onsite by the same Refine AU team for more than 15 years, assuring expertise and consistency in all transactions. Our mission is to make sure our precious metal recycle and refining services exceed customer expectations for speed and professionalism. We offer:-
• Convenience
• Best Prices
• Fast Turnaround
• Transparency.

Refine AU | The Leader in Precious Metals Refining

We strive to make the precious metals recycling process seamless, always seeking to exceed your expectations, from scheduling your pick-up until the final purchase of your precious metals.

Our capable, friendly and organized staff will work with you to develop a recycling plan that aligns with your business goals. We are ISO 14001:2015 and 9001:2015 certified, meet all regulatory standards and provide supplier and customer satisfaction through superior service.

Our Mission in Refining Redefined

We are dedicated to innovation in precious metals recycling. We work diligently to continually improve our processes and technology – increasing the variety of materials we purchase to better serve our customer base.

Our dedication to innovation also drives our mission to provide the highest level of service. We understand the competitive nature of our industry, so we work hard to earn and keep the trust of our suppliers and customers.

Our modern world is dependent upon natural resources extracted from the ground, but there could be another source of rare and valuable metals by giving our houses a spring clean.

With so many of us now stuck in our homes during the pandemic, long-postponed jobs such as clearing out the loft or attic may seem like a good way of keeping the monotony at bay. Perhaps sorting through the “drawer of junk” in the kitchen or cleaning out that over-stuffed cupboard in the spare room are rising up your to-do list. If you need a little extra motivation for the spring clean, though, there’s probably treasure hidden in there.

Locked inside the old products we hoard in dusty corners are valuable metals and minerals. These are the same, much-needed natural resources that our modern world runs on. Collectively, our homes and backyards are an “urban mine” filled with these essential materials that are just waiting to be dug out.

Around the world there are millions, if not billions, of unused electronic devices in our homes – old mobile phones, neglected games consoles, ancient stereos, outdated computer equipment and defunct printers to name a few. Each of these contains copper, silver and even gold, along with a wide range of valuable rare earth elements.

The key, however, is getting people to get rid of their old devices in a way that means these metals can be extracted, recycled and reused.

But before you start your own treasure hunt, a quick caveat: some local authorities are currently asking people not to create more rubbish at a time when refuse collection services are over-stretched. So, view this more as an opportunity to sort your hoard into neat piles, for recycling later.

Once we emerge from the pandemic crisis, however, some believe that we can use this huge repository of metals to shift our attention from mining raw materials from the ground to digging through the urban mine instead. By retrieving the materials hidden inside our old devices, it may be possible to recycle and reuse them in new devices without having to dig up anymore.

As recycling becomes more “efficient and less expensive and consumers become better informed about correct disposal”, so “urban mining becomes a progressively more viable option”.

Globally, the world produces as much as 50 million tonnes of e-waste a year – the equivalent to 6,000 Eiffel Towers – and it is growing 3-4% annually. In 2016, Asia generated the largest amount of e-waste – 18.2 million tonnes (Mt) of it, while the Americas produce 11.3Mt, Africa creates 2.2Mt, and Oceania generates 0.7Mt. While the smallest in terms of total e-waste, Oceania was actually the highest generator of e-waste per inhabitant, throwing out 17.3kg per person, compared to Africa’s 1.6kg.

Europe is the world’s second highest producer of e-waste, throwing away around 12.3Mt of electronic equipment and batteries a year. Hidden inside is 330,000 tonnes of copper and 31 tonnes of gold. And because older equipment typically contains more of these metals than newer devices, if we were to reclaim all of this, it would be more than enough to manufacture the 14.3Mt of new electronic equipment and batteries that Europeans purchase annually. It is estimated that to produce a year’s worth of new equipment for Europe would require 2.9Mt of plastic, 270,000 tonnes of copper, 3,500 tonnes of cobalt and 26 tonnes of gold.

It raises the tantalising prospect of simply reusing the materials we have already dug rather than pillage the Earth even further.

Our Process


We work with a wide variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, specialty chemical, medical device manufacturing, microelectronics and semiconductor, catalytic converter, electroplating, jewellery manufacturing and retail, nitric acid and automotive.

Analytical Laboratory

Refine AU laboratory and our team of highly experienced technicians are equipped to detect a wide range of precious metals in your material.

Catalytic Converter Processing

Refine AU’s state-of-the-art catalytic converter processing facility in Shah Alam, Selangor, is the processing plant of choice for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and catalytic converter buyers nationwide.

Cleaning & Precious Metals Recovery

We can provide specialized precious metal recovery and clean up services to a diverse sector of industries.

Global Logistics

Refine AU’s dedicated and professional team of logistics and transportation experts will schedule your pickup according to your date/time availability, complete all needed documents including land ban, hazardous waste and customs paperwork, send prefilled labels and placards and send you the necessary approved shipping containers.

Leaching Department

In 2021 having developed a proprietary methodology for the chemical leaching of precious metals, Refine AU commissioned a purpose-built leaching facility located at our Precious Metals Refinery in Shah Alam Technology Park, Malaysia.

Mechanical Reduction

Refine AU has all the necessary equipment to safely and efficiently process a wide variety of precious metal bearing materials.


Our melt department utilizes high-temperature induction melting furnaces, with a wide range of capacity.

Nitric Acid Industry

Refine AU provides downstream nitric acid plant cleaning, recovery and processing of precious metals catalyst.


Refine AU is a leader and innovator in precious metals recycling, with a team of industry experts, state-of-the-art facilities and advanced processing technology.

Thermal Reduction

Refine AU’s pioneering, industry-leading technology allows us to optimize the process of each lot of precious metal bearing materials to enhance their value for customers and suppliers.

Wet Chemical

Refine AU’s wet chemical department processes cyanide and acid solutions that contain precious metals.

Electronic Waste

Electronic waste or e-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered e-waste